Physical Address:

Western Louisa County

Multiple Privately Owned Properties, VA 23093

Mailing Address:

Western Louisa County

Multiple Privately Owned Properties, VA 23093


  • Phone Number: 5406933200 Voice

  • Email Address:

  • Description:


Entrance Fees
Entrance Passes

Green Springs National Historic Landmark District in Virginia’s Piedmont encompasses over 14,000 acres. Its landscapes and structures, privately owned today but viewable from public roads, offer a continuum of rural vernacular architecture with minimal alteration. Many of the farmsteads, often dating to the 19th century and connecting to one another visually, are preserved through easements.

park designation:


Green Springs National Historic Landmark District is privately owned, includes no public facilities, but is visible from public highways. It sits astride Route 15 in Louisa County, Virginia.

For detailed directions, please visit this link.


Operating Hours:

No Public Access

The land and buildings within the District are privately owned

Weather Information:

Louisa County, Virginia enjoys a temperate climate with hot, humid summers and cool winters.

Auto and ATV
Auto and ATV

Scenic Driving
Scenic Driving
