Physical Address:

7 Puahi Street

Kalaupapa, HI 96742

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2222

7 Puahi Street

Kalaupapa, HI 96742


  • Phone Number: 8085676802 Voice

  • Phone Number: 8085676729 Fax

  • Email Address:

  • Description:


Entrance Fees
Entrance Passes

When Hansen's disease (leprosy) was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands, King Kamehameha V banished all afflicted to the isolated Kalaupapa Peninsula on the north shore of Molokai. Since 1866, more than 8,000 people, mostly Hawaiians, have died at Kalaupapa. Once a prison, Kalaupapa is now a refuge for the few remaining residents who are cured but were forced to live their lives in isolation.

park designation:National Historical Park


Kalaupapa is an extremely isolated place, surrounded on three sides by ocean and two-thousand foot cliffs on the fourth. Consequently, there is no road access into the peninsula. Kalaupapa cannot be reached by automobile. To get to the park, visitors must travel by air, mule, or on foot. See the park's Direction and Transportation webpage for additional information.

For detailed directions, please visit this link.


Operating Hours:

Park Hours

Kalaupapa National Historical Park is home to an active community of people, including patient-residents and State and Federal employees. Because of this, there are no park opening or closing hours, though tours are only given during daylight hours. Visitation is restricted in accordance with Hawai'i State Law. All visitors must have a permit.

Weather Information:

Hawaii enjoys warm temperatures year-round, although site conditions at the park can vary depending on weather and time of year. The rainy season is in the winter with the more hot and humid days in the summer. Trade winds are fairly constant and typically blow from the northeast. Daytime temperatures range from 65–75° F in the winter to 80-90°F in the summer. Nighttime temperatures are often in the 60-70°F range.

Guided Tours
Guided Tours

Living History
Living History

Museum Exhibits
Museum Exhibits